To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf
PA State Assembly: Overturn Voter ID Law
Pennsylvania’s Voter ID law is overtly racist, blatantly politically motivated, and an embarrassment to all sane residents of the state. Repeal it now!
Why is this important?
During the Obama campaign, we heard many horror stories from people who were unable to get Voter IDs because they lacked birth certificates, were given incorrect info by PennDot employees, were unexpectedly and illegally charged for IDs at PennDOT, were too old, poor, or disabled to get to PennDOT, were confused by constantly-changing State Department rules, had a name on their PA driver's license that differed from the one on their birth certificate, did not want to give up their out-of-state driver's license while attending a PA college, or were harassed for a variety of other ridiculous reasons designed to discourage those who traditionally vote Democratic. We should be ENcouraging people to vote, not DIScouraging them. Time to get Voter ID off the books in PA, once and for all!