To: The Pennsylvania State House and The Pennsylvania State Senate

PA, Vote Atticus Finch

I pledge to hold accountable the state representatives and senators who drafted Pennsylvania’s Voter ID Law by voting for their opponent or writing in Atticus Finch for those running unopposed.

Why is this important?

Shockingly, 52 Pennsylvania architects of the recently halted Voter ID Law are running unopposed in the November election. That means no matter how voters in these districts feel about these representatives, they will be re-elected! This is outrageous!

That’s why we’re asking voters who live in these districts to write in Atticus Finch, the hero of Harper Lee’s Civil Rights masterpiece “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Atticus is a figure who truly stands for the idea that civil rights, including the right to vote, come first and that our elections should include everyone–not just those who can jump through the hoops to get a state-approved photo ID with an expiration date.

51 of the 67 Pennsylvania counties have at least one Assembly member running unopposed. Go to to find your Assembly Member and if they are running unopposed.

So this November, send a message to the cynical opportunists who tried to take away your right to vote. Tell them “I’m voting for Atticus Finch!”

For more information about this campaign and a cool "what would Atticus say," check out