To: Pacific Union College Church, Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Pacific Union College, Jim Pedersen, Marc Woodson, John Rasmussen, John Hughson, Jason Decena, Laffit Cortes, Heather Knight, and Bill Keresoma

Pacific Union College Church: Hire Ryan Bell as Senior Pastor

Ryan Bell represents the best in Adventism. He should be offered the position of Pacific Union College Church senior pastor, where he will be able to utilize his innovative ministry skills to strengthen the PUC community.

Why is this important?

We, constituents of Pacific Union College Church: students, alumni, community members, faculty, staff and other concerned individuals urge the Northern California Conference and the PUC Church to hire Ryan J. Bell as senior pastor of the congregation.

By offering Dr. Bell the open position of senior pastor, the PUC Church can continue its legacy of commitment to reaching every member of our diverse community in an effective and inclusive way.
