To: Don Coram (CO-6), The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, and Governor Jared Polis

Paddy Lynch: Help the disadvantaged with a hand up.

I propose that the .9 cents for a gallon of gas be dedicated to Padraig Lynch of Durango Colorado so that a person far removed from the State agencies, a man who actually works in the field on a day to day basis, be able to help those in need who are unable to get instantaneous help to pay for their electricity, food, shelter, medical costs and for the indigenous to find shelter.

Why is this important?

I see people every day who need help. People who are working but they have to fix a flat, or go to the dentist, or have a furnace go out. Sometimes I see people living in the alley ways. There are lots of people in Durango that make it from paycheck to paycheck....and if they have an emergency, they have to take time out from work to go to a government agency and fill out a ton of paperwork and MAYBE in a month or two or six...they MIGHT get State assistance. I see these people who come ask me for money to get by on. If I have it I lend it. I never get it back, because they barely make it. I am proposing that I receive the .9 cents a gallon of gas that is sold in Colorado to go into a bank account where I can help people out regardless of philosophies, race, gender, creed or religion.
