To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Paid Maternity Leave for Federal Employees

Federal families deserve better! Federal employees want six months of paid maternity and paternity leave to care for a child in the first year after birth.

Why is this important?

Federal moms want more!!! The US is the only first world country without mandatory paid maternity leave for working mothers. It's a disgrace. The only option for Federal employee moms is to take unpaid leave through the Family Medical Leave Act or exhaust their accrued sick and annual leave. That's not healthy for new families and it's not how the government should treat its employees. Federal families deserve better! They serve our country everyday and for that they should have the right to take mandatory paid maternity leave. Federal employees should have six months of paid maternity and paternity leave to care for a child in the first year after birth! Sign this petition if you agree!
