To: John T. Bettin, President and CEO, Wendy Klein, Sales Manager, and Customer Care

Palm Restaurant: STOP Hurting the Homeless

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Palm Restaurant's owners: Publicly withdraw your support of the Unauthorized Camping Ban Ordinance and request that the Mayor and the Denver City Council repeal it.

Why is this important?

Wendy Klein, Sales Manager and spokesperson for The Palm Restaurant, testified before the Denver City Council in May 2012 in favor of the Urban Camping Ban Ordinance which essentially makes it illegal to sleep outside anywhere in Denver with so much as a blanket. She stated that The Palm’s staff and their clientele feel “intimidated by ‘those’ who gather in groups for safety” and made NO statements of concern for nor in support of helping the homeless in ANY WAY.

Services for the homeless are woefully lacking in Denver and have not been increased in decades despite ever-increasing need. Rather than working with existing organizations that work with and help the homeless daily, like the Denver Homeless Commission, the Palm backed a punitive ordinance that replaces a safe, warm place to sleep with no sleep, an $85 ticket or jail time. Apparently the PalmCares program does NOT care about the homeless.

In essence, The Palm Restaurant felt the homeless were cutting into their bottom lines and, rather than try to find constructive ways to help people out of homelessness by working to increase services and opportunities, they backed a law that criminalized acts of survival while homeless.

Please join the ongoing protest every Friday evening from 6PM to 8PM at:

1672 Lawrence Street in the Westin Downtown Hotel Denver CO, 80202
(Arapahoe St. between 16th St. and 17th St.)


***Please also sign the Petition asking the Denver City Council to repeal the Ban***
