To: Jose S. Suquet, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO

Pan-American Insurance Refuses to Cover Life-Saving Cancer Treatment

Dear Jose S. Suquet, Chariman, President, and CEO of Pan-American Life Insurance Group - please reverse the decision of Pan-American to deny coverage of Keri Blickenstaff Kinsel's final, life-saving cancer treatment.

Why is this important?

Keri Blickenstaff Kinsel is a 27 year-old wife, PhD student, teacher, daughter, sister, and step mother. In January 2012 she was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive bone cancer, Ewing's Sarcoma ('s_sarcoma).
After months of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, her doctors have prescribed one final major dose of chemo followed by a bone marrow transplant. They believe this will greatly increase her chances of survival. Her insurance company, Pan-American, has denied coverage due to profit motivations. Pan-American is an insurer with $2.2 Billion dollars in assets and almost $500 Million in annual revenue (

We think Pan-American can afford Keri's treatment. This petition is to José S. Suquet, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of Pan-American to over turn Pan-American's decision not to cover Keri Blickenstaff Kinsel's life-saving treatment.

Please take a brief moment to sign, and please spread this petition far and wide via email and social media. There have been cases of insurance companies over turning denial of coverage due to people speaking out, and we expect this to be one! Thank you for your time and consideration.
