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To: Portville Central School

Panthers against the dress code

The dress code at Portville Central School is sexist, vague, and offensive. This code targets women, and treats them as objects. On the morning of may 24th, a male teacher described female students’ bodies as “distracting”. This is unacceptable and the sexualization of women (especially minors) will not be tolerated. We ask for a reconstruction of the school dress code, one that is more inclusive, fair, and does not focus on the sexualization of women. If young girls’ bodies are “distracting” you, that is not their responsibility to dress a different way to cater to that. This is unacceptable and dehumanizing.

Why is this important?

The administration or Portville central school constantly ignores the issues of the dress code. This will make it impossible to ignore.


2023-05-31 10:36:52 -0400

100 signatures reached

2023-05-25 11:49:25 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-05-25 07:09:20 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-05-24 22:46:55 -0400

10 signatures reached