As early as 1452 Papal Bulls by Pope Nicholas V and Pope Calixtus 3rd were issued to genesis the enslavement of Africans by the Governments of Europe and subsequently the United States. It is only fitting that a Papal Bull be issued to encourage those same Governments to come to the table and discuss a comprehensive reparations package for the crimes of the worst holocaust known to man. Africans today suffer the PTSD and trauma passed down thru DNA from these crimes.
Why is this important?
Africans today still suffer from the PTSD and trauma passed down thru DNA from the worst holocaust (maafa) known to man. Since Papal Bulls greenlit this horrific crime against us it is only fitting that a Papal Bull be issued that sanctions reparations for Africans world-wide by the European Governments and the United States Government that participated and profited from this horrific crime against Africans world-wide.