To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Pardon, Medal, Nomination for Manning

From John Brown to Rosa Parks, some of the greatest American heroes have defied the law and public opinion to expose crimes of those in power. Army Private Bradley Manning is accused of, and has partly confessed (after what was, by international standards, torture) to, releasing classified video showing US military personnel wantonly, laughingly killing innocent civilians. We, the undersigned, believe that Manning should be: 1) immediately released; 2) awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom; 3) nominated for the Nobel Peaqce Prize, along with Julian Assange.

Why is this important?

I believe that Bradley Manning is a hero for 'blowing the whistle' on US activities in Iraq, and that not only should be freed immediately, but should be awarded a Pressidential Meedal of Freedom AND nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize..
