To: Newark Public School District and Assistant Superintendent - NPS
Parental Involvement Sustains Student Success
The Parents and Community stakeholders at 13th Avenue Elementary School in conjunction with the PTA hereby request the Newark Public School District through a demand by the Assistant Superintendent, and/or his designee[s] to rescind the proposed dismantling and removal of the Parent Room.
We, the undersigned individuals, are opposed to the dismantling of the Parent Room which is used by, and for, training, collaboration, support, collaborate and create initiatives which increase student achievement and corral community resources at 13th Avenue.
The Lowe's Charitable Trust Foundation supported our Parents' Place initiative with a generous grant and technical support and a proclamation five years ago entrusting that the room would remain a place for parents. The integrity of our District and Community is being undermined by this decision to dismantle the Thirteenth Avenue PTA Room which has been created and maintained by parents through countless volunteer hours.
We, hereby sign this Petition, requesting not only the Parent Room to remain in its present location , but the restoration of the Student Café for our children’s use.
The Parent Room was designed by parents who solicited materials and supplies, and built by the mothers and fathers of the students.
It is time for the Newark Public School District to stand up for the rights of parents and children to have access their children’s schools and not shut they out.
We, the undersigned individuals, are opposed to the dismantling of the Parent Room which is used by, and for, training, collaboration, support, collaborate and create initiatives which increase student achievement and corral community resources at 13th Avenue.
The Lowe's Charitable Trust Foundation supported our Parents' Place initiative with a generous grant and technical support and a proclamation five years ago entrusting that the room would remain a place for parents. The integrity of our District and Community is being undermined by this decision to dismantle the Thirteenth Avenue PTA Room which has been created and maintained by parents through countless volunteer hours.
We, hereby sign this Petition, requesting not only the Parent Room to remain in its present location , but the restoration of the Student Café for our children’s use.
The Parent Room was designed by parents who solicited materials and supplies, and built by the mothers and fathers of the students.
It is time for the Newark Public School District to stand up for the rights of parents and children to have access their children’s schools and not shut they out.
Why is this important?
The Parents and Community stakeholders at 13th Avenue Elementary School in conjunction with the PTA hereby request the Newark Public School District through a demand by the Assistant Superintendent, and/or his designee[s] to rescind the proposed dismantling and removal of the Parent Room.