To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Parents Against Assault Weapons P.A.A.W

As parents our number one job is to keep our children safe. It is evident that as a society we are failing at that. You can change that by signing this petition. We are not against the 2nd amendment but we are against high powered assault weapons. The only place these kind of weapons belong is in war zone and our schools, theatres and malls are not a battlefield. No child should have to ask "Mommy is it safe to go to school?" and no parent should have to ponder that question.

Why is this important?

As parents our number one job is to keep our children safe. It is evident as a society we are failing at that. You can change that by signing this petition. We are not against the 2nd amendment but we are against high powered assault weapons. We are against anyone being able to purchase these kind of weapons that can cause massive casualties in a very short period of time. We are against magazines that have more than 10 bullets. We are against loopholes associated with purchasing guns at gun trade shows. The only place these kind of weapons belong is in war zone and our schools, theatres and malls are not a battlefield. No child should ever have to ask "Mommy is it safe to go to school?" and no parent should have to ponder that question.
