To: Palm Springs Unified School District

Parents for Cielo Vista Charter School K-8

We, the undersigned, advocate and support the expansion of Cielo Vista Charter School to K to 8th grade to begin in the 2015-2016 school year. Cielo Vista Charter School needs a long-term facility/property within the boundaries of the Palm Springs Unified School District that will accommodate our current student population, plus the addition of 7th and 8th grades. The current site cannot accommodate and is not suitable for the current requirements of our school, and the proposed expansion of K to 8th grade. Cielo Vista Charter School parents have been inquiring and advocating for this expansion of K to 8th grade for 4 years. The Cielo Vista Charter School parents, and members of the surrounding community, request that Palm Springs Unified School District invest in the students of their district by supporting the continued school vision through 8th grade and secure a suitable property immediately.

Why is this important?

Current and future students of Cielo Vista Charter School should have the opportunity to continue their education in an environment with proven success. The Cielo Vista Charter School community has created a culture that enhances the social, emotional, and intellectual growth of its students. Cielo Vista Charter School parents have been advocating for expansion to 8th grade for 4 years. It is time for the Palm Springs Unified School District to secure a suitable facility to expand Cielo Vista Charter School, which will support the continued success of students into middle school.