To: Dr. Norman Hatten, Superintendent
Parents Viewing School Bus Camera At Manheim Central School District
Help us grant the right to view bus #23 school bus camera.
Why is this important?
Our son, Brayton Martin, started kindergarten last week. The second day he got off the bus it was brought to our attention by other students riding the bus that the afternoon bus driver was forceful with Brayton pushing him into his seat. We questioned Brayton who has a speech delay and he said "she is mean and it only hurt a little". The next morning at the bus stop I learned it was witnessed by other kids on the bus. I contacted Doe Run who informed me that I need to contact the bus company, Joseph c. Graybill Inc. The bus company said they would review the video and call us back. We followed up with another phone call to the bus company and they said the video was fine, nothing concerning was seen. In the meantime, we have heard from other parents at the bus stop of incidents their child has had with this particular bus driver. With this new information, we requested to view the bus video and the bus company said no it is not permitted. When we argued our case, they said it would need to be approved by the superintendent, Dr. Hatten. We contacted Doe Run, in the meantime, who were not made aware of this situation. They informed us they too were not allowed to watch the video since it had to do with the bus company personnel, not between their students. They apologized that they could not offer any more help. The guidance counselor did however speak to the bus driver to be sure there was not an issue with any students on her route which she stated there was not.
We needed to once again follow up with the bus company and were informed the superintendent would not allow us to watch the video. We have discovered this is not a law rather a policy. Dr. Hatten said this policy is in place for student privacy. We are asking for your help by signing this petition to allow us to watch the video of our son, Brayton Martin, on the afternoon bus, number 23, on August 27th, 2014. As a parent, I am sure you understand that we just want to be sure our child and your child is in safe hands.
If your child rode this bus, please sign giving us your permission to view this video. Also, many of you have reached out to me regarding issues your child has had with this bus driver; we urge you to contact Doe Run. The school said they have not known of any other problems.
Thank you so much for your time.
Coty & Lisa Martin
We needed to once again follow up with the bus company and were informed the superintendent would not allow us to watch the video. We have discovered this is not a law rather a policy. Dr. Hatten said this policy is in place for student privacy. We are asking for your help by signing this petition to allow us to watch the video of our son, Brayton Martin, on the afternoon bus, number 23, on August 27th, 2014. As a parent, I am sure you understand that we just want to be sure our child and your child is in safe hands.
If your child rode this bus, please sign giving us your permission to view this video. Also, many of you have reached out to me regarding issues your child has had with this bus driver; we urge you to contact Doe Run. The school said they have not known of any other problems.
Thank you so much for your time.
Coty & Lisa Martin