We must join the U.S. Climate Alliance, even if Donald Trump chooses to leave the Paris Agreement. Climate change is real, and we need to fix it before it's too late.
Why is this important?
I think changes have to be made, and since Donald Trump will not be leading us in the right direction we must stand up and do it ourselves. We as a whole will be harm if we do nothing to save this planet. It would be selfish to not want to make this planet a better place since our childrens and their childrens will be the ones paying for our ignorance.In order to make change we must individually make effort to change for the better. Climate change is very really and not believing in it will be a dangerous mistake that we cannot afford to make. Over 90 percent of scientist agreed that climate change is real,and we are currently seeing some effect of it with our very own eyes, yet we chose to ignore it. Frankly it should not even be a debatable issue, because the fact are there and they are not going to go away. We have to read up and keep ourselves inform, and not be easily sway by absurd claims. We need to educate ourselves on environmental issues and find ways we can live sustainably. It is in our best interest to help the environment since it would do nothing but benefit us. I mean what could possibly go wrong if we make the planet a better place for all of us?