To: The South Carolina State House and Governor Henry McMaster

Pass Bill H3104

Pass Bill H3104 in order to help victims of child sexual abuse find the help and support they need and to put an end to their nightmare. We want our children, teachers, school personnel, parents, guardians and caregivers to be educated on how to be proactive on ending child sexual abuse.

Why is this important?

Child sexual abuse is the most underreported crimes inflicted on a child. I have seen first hand the devestating effects of sexual abuse on a child. Hoplessness, eating disorders, unhealthy relationships, generational abusive patterns, and suicide are just a few of the effects of child sexual abuse. This bill will begin to educate students, parents, teachers and school personnel how to report and seek help for child sexual abuse. Educating our children and equipping them with a voice to stop the abuse should be our top priority.
