To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Pass HARP 3.0 NOW
Pass HARP 3.0. Help as many as 7.5 million responsible homeowners qualify with access to 30 year fixed rate mortgages.
Why is this important?
Responsible Homeowners like myself who have never been late on a mortgage payment have been waiting at least a year and a half since plans for HARP 3.0 were announced. With rising interest rates, refinancing with a conventional loan is now no longer possible. Refinancing with a FHA loan offers little relief and qualifying is difficult because homes must often appraise for higher than the market value. It is estimated that HARP 3.0 could potentially affect 7.5 million mortgages. Passing HARP 3.0 will free up the interest expense on millions of mortgages and move the economy and housing market forward. Passing HARP 3.0 should be a top priority. Let's end the logjam in Congress ASAP.