To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Pass HOME STAR and BUILDING STAR Jobs Programs

America’s construction workers who are idled with 10~20% unemployment have been waiting three years for Congress and the Senate to pass Home Star and Building Star to create hundreds of thousands of immediate American construction jobs for homeowner and business energy efficiency improvements. The Home Star and Building Star energy efficiency programs are specifically designed to create jobs in local communities while leveraging homeowner and business owner investments. Home Star leverages private investment with tax rebates in a 50-50 partnership to invest in insulation and weatherization, high-efficiency heating and air conditioning equipment, replacement windows, and other cost-effective home improvements that can permanently reduce household energy bills. Building Star does the same on a commercial scale.

Why is this important?

I want to contribute to creating jobs and lowering energy waste and pollution by investing in energy efficiency for my home. To this end the Home Star and Building Star energy efficiency investment programs leverage tax rebates with private investment.