To: The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, and Governor Doug Ducey

Pass Legislation for reasonable guncontrol and increasing funding to AHCCCS for qualified adults.

The Arizona state legislature is back in session and facing a packed agenda, including guns, the budget, and abortion. MoveOn members across Arizona want to make their voices heard on these and many other issues in Phoenix, I choose to do it through a website called where I can create my very own petition to you Governor Brewer and the Arizona legislature on whatever issues I'm most concerned about such as; reasonable gun control. re-funding AHCCCS for qualified adults

Why is this important?

In view of the recent school shootings which have affected us all; reasonable gun control laws should be passed such as background checks for anyone purchasing a gun, even at gun shows and online.

RE: AHCCCS for qualified adults; it hits both my husband and I. My medications are very expensive; around $1000/mo just for my two insulins; and my husband who developed Guilianne -Barre Syndrome was released from Barrows Neurological Institute despite the recommendations of both the PT Department and his doctors because he had no insurance. Because of that, he probably will never walk again. Not only is he a Vietnam Veteran but he worked hard all his life and when his company closed the store in Kingman, he was unable to find a job due to the poor economy. It's not that he didn't try. It's not right he is denied medical coverage because he's not old enough for Medicare yet.
