To: Armond Budish, County Executive

Pass Mandatory Drug-Testing Law for Police Officers

Tell the Cuyahoga County Council to pass a mandatory drug-testing law for police officers. Overly aggressive police officers, hyped up on drugs and hatred, risk the safety of both civilians -- particularly minorities -- and their fellow police officers; witness the shootings in Dallas and Louisiana.

Why is this important?

BLACK LIVES MATTER in Cuyahoga County is starting this petition because our nation will never become safe and just as long as police officers are allowed to operate ABOVE THE LAW. Police officers need to FOLLOW THE LAW in order to create a safer environment for everyone. Officer Michael Brelo's behavior -- standing on the hood of a car as he and dozens of other police officers fired 137 shots into the bodies of two innocent, unarmed African-Americans -- raises two suspicions:

1) Officer Brelo was likely hyped up on drugs during these tragic murders.
2) Officer Brelo knew that the political power of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association gave the officers involved the green light to murder two innocent, unarmed minorities in broad daylight -- even if the killings had been captured on videotape.