To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Pass the American Jobs Act

I'm behind the American Jobs Act and here's why. The argument that continuing the tax cuts on the rich and corporations will create jobs doesn't seem to be working. Those cuts have been in place for many years now, and where are the jobs? I’ll tell you where they are. They are overseas. Our American corporations have shipped them overseas. Should they be rewarded for this? Should they continue to receive precious tax cuts for this? I think not. If and when they return jobs to the U.S., then they should be rewarded with tax cuts.

Furthermore, I believe that we should all be feeling the pinch of having 2 major wars that are draining our coffers, not just the middle and lower class. Everyone should be sacrificing. The rich and major corporations are not feeling the pinch, as much as the rest of us. I’ve heard the stories from my parents about the long lines they had to wait in for food during the great depression and during WWII. During the war, there were certain foods that were not even available to most Americans because the choicest foods were reserved for the military. If we all felt that pinch, everyone would be working more urgently to try to find a solution to our economic plight. We would all be working towards bringing our troops home sooner. Unfortunately, unless you have a loved one fighting in either of the wars, you’re more apt to forget the danger and the intense conditions they find themselves in. We have two wars going on, we all need to make sacrifices.

There are a lot of good things in the Jobs Act that we can all get behind. 1) Cutting the payroll tax cut in half for 98 percent of businesses, 2) Expanding Small Business Administration backed loan limits, cutting red tape and reforming our patent system, 3) Offering tax credits to encourage businesses to hire unemployed veterans, 4) Preventing up to 280,000 teacher layoffs, and keeping cops and firefighters on the job, 5) Modernizing at least 35,000 public schools across the country, 6) Making immediate investments in infrastructure, 7) The most innovative reform to the unemployment insurance program in 40 years, 8) A $4,000 tax credit to employers, 9) Cutting payroll taxes in half for 160 million workers next year, 10) Allowing more Americans to refinance their mortgages at today’s near 4 percent interest rates,
11) Cutting payroll taxes in half for 160 million workers next year

I implore Congress to take a cue from the heroes from Utah that banded together for the sake of a fellow human being, not caring about each of their affiliations, nor whose fault it was that he was lying there, nor for the danger they found themselves in. They put their differences aside and did what was best for one human life. Imagine what you can accomplish for the many that find themselves in desperate times. Don't do the popular thing, do the right thing.

Why is this important?

We need to unite as a nation and get America on the right track to recovery. Let's follow the example of the heroes from Utah who worked together for the common goal to save a life. They didn't stop to ask about affiliations, they just sprang into action. Imagine what we can accomplish by uniting as a nation and not as Democrats vs. Republicans. Let's get to work to save many lives and livelihoods.