To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

Pass the Health Care for All Oregon Plan Act - HB2922

Stop the unnecessary deaths, disability and bankruptcies related to our current 'pay or die' health care non-system. Support - co-sponsor - vote for Oregon HB2922. Everybody In - Nobody Out.

Why is this important?

We are all constantly effected by lack of access to basic health care due to costs imposed by the current insurance based financing method. Preventable deaths, preventable hospitalizations and complications, preventable medical incident related bankruptcies and living in fear are the price we pay for a lack of universal coverage, publicly financed, privately delivered health care system. HB 2922 is the Health Care for All Oregon Plan Act with at least 21 co-sponsors, similar to the HB3510 that stayed in committee in 2011. This time there is much more public support for this monumental and necessary change in how health care is financed, with similar systems proven to have better outcomes than ours in many of the other developed countries in the world. This problem will persist as long as for-profit insurance companies control the prices and payments. HB2922 puts an end to that. Public hearings scheduled for May 13th in Salem. Visit and for further information.
