To: The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, and Governor Phil Murphy

Pass Tuition Equity for New Jersey Dreamers!

Support legislation that allows undocumented New Jerseyans to pay in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities.

Why is this important?

There's a bill making its way through the legislature right now that would give thousands of bright, hardworking students around the state a shot at the American Dream.

(A-4225) would allow students who have attended high school in New Jersey for at least three years and have either gotten their diploma or GED to pay the same rates as their fellow residents at New Jersey’s public colleges and universities.

Passing this bill isn't just the fair thing to do; it's the smart thing to do for the state and its economy. One of the main draws of businesses to New Jersey is our highly trained workforce. Holding back talented, high-achieving students who could join the next generation of engineers, teachers, and nurses is as short-sighted as it is unfair.