To: President Donald Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis

Passive Smoking

ECO friendly multifamily dwelling banning cigarette smoking.
Based on the weight of the available scientific evidence, EPA has concluded that the widespread exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in the U.S. presents a serious and substantial public health risk.

Why is this important?

Multifamily dwellings, such as condos, and high risks of residents smoking indoors causes seepage through the walls recent years, there has been concern that non-smokers may also be at risk for some of these health effects as a result of their exposure ("passive smoking") to the smoke exhaled by smokers and smoke given off by the burning end of cigarettes, exposure increases the risk of lower respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia in children, chronic air infections and more frequent asthma complications. My grandson can't even come to my home to visit without getting sick from the smell of cigarettes that seeps into my condo, in the hallway and outdoors on my patio.
