To: The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, and Governor John Bel Edwards
Patient Access to Physical Therapy: Support SB 291
Please support HB 623 and SB 291. As a citizen of Louisiana, I would like the choice to see a physical therapist, if I desire, without the unnecessary requirement of a referral. Louisiana is only one of 7 states that require a prescription or physician visit before initiating physical therapy treatment. Please vote YES on these two important pieces of legislation and allow citizens like me to access the healthcare provider we choose. Thank you for recognizing my ability to take control of my healthcare decisions.
Why is this important?
2015 Legislation authored by Sen. Fred Mills, SCR 19 passed a motion to make a single recommendation to the Louisiana Legislature that there is a CLEAR and obvious BENEFIT to removing the current restrictions tied to accessing a physical therapist's services by ALLOWING DIRECT PATIENT ACCESS TO A PHYSICAL THERAPIST'S SERVICES WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS. Unrestricted access to physical therapy treatment is safe, allows for patient self-referral, patient choice and is cost-effective for the patient and Louisiana. The citizens of Louisiana deserve the right to choose their provider and have easier access to physical therapy treatment.