To: Patrick Lynch, President, NYCPBA

Patrick Lynch: Step down as President of NYC Police Union

President Patrick Lynch your recent extreme comments to use "extreme discretion" against your enemies, including the public and Mayor De Blasio illustrates a very dangerous "us vs. them" mentality between the police and the public.

We encourage you to step down from your position as President of the NYCPBA before you further harm the relationship between the police and the public.

Why is this important?

Patrick Lynch, President of the NYC Police Union, recently told a gathering of police officers "Our friends, we’re courteous to them. Our enemies, extreme discretion. The rules are made by them to hurt you. Well now we’ll use those rules to protect us.”

The enemies he is talking about are anyone who opposes the grand jury decision in the case of Eric Garner, those who oppose police policy. He has even identified NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio as an enemy.

His thinly veiled threat to use "extreme discretion" is very dangerous when coming from the head of the union that represents the largest police force in the country and rivals many national militaries in the world.

Patrick Lynch is a a dangerous extremist who should not be leading the NYC Police Union.