To: Patrick Mara, Candidate for DC City Council

Patrick Mara is running for City Council, but can he walk a mile in my shoes?

Patrick Mara: Could you live on $8.25? Pledge to walk a mile in my shoes. If you want to represent DC residents on the City Council, try living on $8.25 per hour without any paid sick leave for a month first!

Why is this important?

Patrick Mara is running to represent us in the City Council, but he just doesn't understand what life is like for hard working low-wage families.

He opposes raising the minimum wage, and he even opposes paid sick days for restaurant workers.

My mother was a teacher, and she was laid off during DC's education cutbacks. Then she suffered a stroke. I had to leave school, since there was no money for tuition, and I had to start working to support the family. I am working as a server at a restaurant, getting less than $3 an hour plus tips, earning around $1000 per month. They won't give me more hours. I also don't get paid sick days. When my kids get sick, I am not able to care for them, without fear of losing my job.

I can't afford DC's expensive rent, and I am currently living in subsidized DC public housing. I cannot afford child care, and my late shifts don't give me any time to spend with my children. I hope to go back to school one day, but find it difficult, supporting my mother and two children. How is anyone in my situation supposed to get ahead?

Patrick Mara wants to represent us on the DC City Council, but he doesn't know what families like mine are up against. Will you join me in calling on Patrick Mara to walk a mile in my shoes?

I'm not endorsing anyone in the City Council election next week. But I want to make sure that whoever is elected will support the issues that make a difference for me and my family.
