To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

patriot act is unconstitutional

the patriot act is unconstitutional, and is an infringment of our 1st ammendmant, which we are so deprived of. This war that brought up the patriot act is nothing but "wagging the dogs tail" which feeds off the paranioa and fear of the american people that there might or will be another 9/11. But the patriot act is unconstituional; due to the fact that if a father and son were talking about something that seemed suspicious that both could be arrested and held without a set limit, or that if an arab was to speak in his or her foreign language they would be placed as a suspect. how far are we willing to go to feel safe? whats next interment camps, we will become more than nothing but the shadows of the gestapo and the harbinger for another Republican "Nazism" in the united states. Before the american people knows it; it wont just be the example of the redscare or the salem witch hunts, the future would be grim and hopeless; and the usa would be nothing but a shadow of its former self.

Why is this important?

that anybody or everybody could be held with suspicion and can be held captive by the goverment without fair trial. if this the case then this petition could help create a bill to prevent the USA from becoming a new age facism. to stop the destruction of our country from within. we need your help to make this petition possible.