To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

pay for time served

Trying to make the Texas government stand good on its word for inmates.

Why is this important?

Texas inmates DO NOT get paid for work that they do on the unit they are assigned to. Texas has a paper agreement that in leu of payment inmates with good records will be given time served and early release. So far this hasn't been the case. Texas inmates are giving the state free labor and are not being giving parole or even time served. For the outside world that would be like going to work everyday and being told that you are not going to be paid for your service but you are still required to report everyday as scheduled. Texas needs to be held accountable and let the ones who have learned their lesson rejoin our society. Currently our tax dollars are what is keeping these guys in prison. Lets let some out and make them pay taxes just like we do. Many men and women have families that need and want them home and its for these that we need to take a stand and make Texas do what it promised.
