To: David Keene, NRA President, Wayne LaPierre, NRA Vice-president, All state governors & legislators, All city & town mayors, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Paying for armed guards (NRA's solution)

Let the gun owners pay for the armed guards to protect our children in school and other public places.

Why is this important?

The thought of my 5 year old grandson having to be exposed to guns by armed guards and / or teachers every school day and at every school he attends scares the hell out of me.

At the NRA press conference, their solution to the Newtown, CT massacre on Dec 14, 2012 is to suggest putting armed guards in every school in the United States. This has to be the most expensive solution to the problem of gun violence and keeping our children safe to impose on our local governments, schools and citizens. Obviously, the NRA did not bother to suggest the means to be used to pay these armed guards. I propose that the US Congress, State governments and/or local governments impose an excise tax on every registered gun and owner of $1000 per annum to pay for all these armed guards in every school and other public places.
