PBS: DO NOT BE RUN BY KOCH BROTHERS! Air the documentary about the Koch brothers in respect for t...

I absolutely call for PBS to air "Citizen Koch!" I cannot believe that PBS wants to cancel the program. We, the citizens of the United States, deserve to know about the Kochs. I don't care how much money the Kochs have. They should not be able to buy PBS. And neither should anyone else buy PBS!

Why is this important?

I believe the people of the United States need to know who the Koch brothers are, and what they are up to, and I have always thought that was what PBS is all about. I hope I will not be disappointed in PBS! I am absolutely calling for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens!

The citizens of the United States are more important than whatever the Koch brothers give to PBS. Let us remember where our morals are!
