To: President Donald Trump, The world, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Peace through truth and compassion

By signing this petition I resolve to help when I see it is needed.

By signing this petition I resolve that I am a part of the human race and none of is any better then another.

By signing this petition I acknowledge that equal treatment means equal treatment to every man woman and child on earth.

By signing this petition I resolve to treat each and every person I meet with the same kindness, compassion and respect I want for myself.

By signing this petition I resolve to act in peace and never in violence.

By signing this petition I resolve to speak the truth even when it may be uncomfortable to hear.

By signing this petition I resolve to a servant to my fellow humans, helping them to achieve dreams we all share.

Why is this important?

Nothing changes until we embrace the truth that we are all one human race. Until we treat each other with compassion honesty and respect, until we really reach out that helping hand to all we meet we are doomed.

Please join me in taking a stand and dare to reach out you hand to those you see in need, because it may be your hand reaching out and you might need the same help you can give.
