To: The Florida State House and The United States House of Representatives

Penalizing Bullies

Let's start prosecuting cyber, verbal and physical bullies. Do away with bullying.

Why is this important?

•I am starting this petition because bully victims will not speak for themselves and are too scared to.
•Many issues contribute to suicide risk, including depression, problems at home, and trauma history.
•I'm seeing more and more bullying on adults affecting their reputation, business, motivation and encourages others to partake in bullying.
•If we start penalizing bullies, we can cut down the number of bullies, suicidal victims, violence, people who partake on it in any way, may stop them from wanting to commit any future abuse and start teaching everyone by force how to stop being aggressive towards one another.
• It's a BIGGER problem than what we think. Let's take ACTION!
