To: Rodney Erickson, The Pennsylvania State University President

Penn State Alumni Tuition Reimbursement

This petition is for all Penn State Alumni that feel as if the value of their degree has diminished due to the Jerry Sandusky scandal. Let's face it, you used to walk into a job interview and proudly announce that you were a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University. Today, anything linked to Penn State is being surrounded by the thoughts of child molestation, immorality, and cover ups.

Why is this important?

Please don't get me wrong, I am a proud Penn Stater, I bleed Blue and White, and am I still proud to tell everyone that I am an Alumni, but that is something I feel only other Penn Staters understand. I also feel horrible for the unthinkable acts that went down to some very innocent children, but after 4 years at Penn State, I owe nearly $100,000 in student loans. I paid for, and received an invaluable education, but I also paid for the prestigious degree from Penn State, that is no longer nearly as prestigious. There is no doubt in my mind that two years ago if there were two identical applicants with the only difference being one went to Penn State and one to Ohio State, the Penn State applicant would win hands down every time, but ask yourself if that is the same today. I do not expect/want a full reimbursement on my tuition, that is simply unrealistic. I am simply stating that what I invested in is no longer worth what it should be due to the fact that certain Penn State officials, including the board of trustees and especially the president, acted selfishly and immorally. If you had the choice to pay $28,000 a year for the degree you had before this scandal, as if the scandal never happened, and $28,000 a year for your current degree after the scandal, which would you choose. To me they are two very different degrees, with two very different values. If there is even the slightest chance that you think you will miss out on a job, promotion, raise, etc. because of association with this scandal or loss of prestige of your degree then you should sign this petition.