To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

Pennsylvania, Mother's against Heroin

More strict sentencing for Heroin dealers. They know our children are dying; it should be 2nd degree murder under PA laws.

Why is this important?

I am a parent who lost my eldest daughter to a heroin overdose. She was only 29 years old. We struggled through a system that is just not working to save them. She was on methadone for 3 years. We went every day...she suffered a horrible withdrawal in prison (I received information from inside verifying that). It was the worst 5 years, only to lose her in the end. So many families struggling. Something must be done!!! I am speaking out at schools and marching in Washington D.C. for the 1 year anniversary of the arrest of "El Chapo" Mexican drug lord.
