To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

Pennsylvania needs tuition-free community college

As college costs continue to rise, college is becoming unaffordable for most families. I urge you to pass legislation that will allow people to attend our community colleges tuition-free.

Why is this important?

Why does Pennsylvania need tuition-free community colleges?
+College is becoming so expensive that is becoming only a dream for many Pennsylvania families.
+A college degree means higher wages. Over their lifetime, someone with a college degree can expect to earn almost $1 million more than someone with only a high school diploma.
+Business owners looking to start up or relocate look for educated workforces.
+States as diverse as Tennessee and Oregon are considering tuition-free community college.
+The cost of educating a person at the beginning of their career means less reliance on social services in the future.