To: Carol Aichele, Secretary of State, The Pennsylvania State House, and Governor Tom Wolf

Pennsylvanians deserve Online Voter Registration

The citizens of Pennsylvania are calling on lawmakers in Harrisburg to help expand participation in our democracy by establishing online voter registration.

SB 37, a bipartisan bill establishing online voter registration was passed unanimously out of the Senate earlier this year. Online Voter Registration will make it easier for people to register to vote, reduce processing time, increase the accuracy of voter rolls, and save counties money.

Why is this important?

Why PA Should Implement Online Voter Registration:

• Streamlining voter registration just makes sense: SB 37 is a bipartisan, commonsense bill that will lower administrative costs for state and county election offices. It will speed up processing of voter registrations and ensure greater accuracy of poll books, helping prevent voter registration errors, irregularities, and fraud.

• It benefits county election boards & individual voters: Online registration makes it easier for citizens to change their registration address when they move, conveniently keeping voter rolls up-to-date with county election offices and the state. It saves counties money over time because it streamlines the voter verification process.

• PA voters deserve the same convenience that voters in 16 other states now have: Online registration has been enacted and implemented by 16 other states, including South Carolina, Kansas, and Colorado. In Arizona – one of the first states to enact online registration – 70% of all new and updated registrations are done online.