Forget about your political party affiliation. If you aren't making over $250,000 a year you need to make it clear to your representatives that you don't want Congress balancing the budget on your backs as the latest deal threatens to do. Make it clear that social security is out of bounds and to save money on Medicare and Medicaid they need to stop paying their crony medical providers exorbitant
prices for drugs and medical devices. Make the cuts from bloated military spending and take away all the billions in corporate welfare subsidies for big rich corporations who own these stooges in government and who don't need the subsidies. We have the power to unite to send a message to the business community via a nation wide consumers' boycott that will quickly influence the corporations to tell their stooges in government to serve the peoples' wishes. We have been divided and distracted by these greedy clever bastards in order to take away our formidable economic power for change. We the people have all the power if we act together. UNITE for economic fairness! Tell them all we will boycott their cronies and peacefully march by the millions on DC to show our solidarity!
Why is this important?
We can get government by the people if we stop being divided over social and cultural issues. The special interests use these divisive issues to keep us too weak to counter their over-influence on our government.