To: The media in other countries
In response to the flood of monies coming into the United States from wealthy oligarchs in the US and abroad we request a people to people response. Using the power of the collective voice of the people both in the US and abroad messages can be sent to the US media in support of fair elections free from bought and paid for lies and voter suppession tactics.
Why is this important?
Since Citizens United monies have been pouring in from very wealthy oligarchs and plutocrats both in this country and abroad.
Now is the time to ask the people abroad to join with the people here to speak out THROUGH OUR MEDIA for democracy and a fair vote in this country uncontaminated by the lies and voter suppression tactics being bought in this important upcoming election.
Now is the time to ask the people abroad to join with the people here to speak out THROUGH OUR MEDIA for democracy and a fair vote in this country uncontaminated by the lies and voter suppression tactics being bought in this important upcoming election.