To: President Donald Trump, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Tim Walz, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Permanent Revision to Extend Child Support for Special Needs Children

Permanently extend child support payments for special needs children throughout the age of 21, or longer if they are not yet emancipated (legally responsible for themself) or self-supporting (beyond Social Security).

Why is this important?

This petition is about creating permanent new laws in both Federal and State law that extend child support for special needs children. Current laws for child support are not specific enough and are making it difficult for parents of special needs children who by law (both Federal and State) have throughout their 21st year to complete a high school diploma. Special needs students who receive child support need to receive this at least through th eage of 21 or longer if they are not yet emanciapated or self-supporting.
