To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Pesticides Exposed! 50% of all children will be Autistic in 10 years!

Please help in signing this petition to expose the pesticide affect on our society and our children. Tell your politicians we need reform and immediate action!

“At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic” announced an MIT Scientist last month.

The correlation is consistent with the use of Roundup Pesticide, Roundup Ready Resistant GMO seeds, and glyphosate toxicity.

Glyphosate found in American mothers' breast milk is 760-1600 times the allowable limits of European drinking water! USDA Pesticide report released in December did not test for glyphosate due to "cost concerns".


Linda Barratt Cervantes

Why is this important?

50% of all children will be Autistic in 10 years!

Please help in signing this Petition to Expose the pesticide effect on our society and our children. Tell your politicians we need reform and immediate action!

I have a 9 month old baby girl and fear having another child due to the rising incidence of autism. My nephew is autistic.

The numbers have dramatically increased and can no longer be ignored. The government is not spending the money for research needed. More and more private research points to the governmental agencies avoiding proper testing due to costs involved in fixing the issues. Today's support structure relies on charitable donations and begging for help.