To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Support PETICARE, assistance w/medical coverage for adopted homeless animals. Help make adopting a helpless animal affordable for all.

Why is this important?

I would like 2 c a program put in place similar 2 Medicare, but 'optional' 4 all those who r working & paying into Soc Sec, etc. Vet bills have become so exorbitant/outrageous that I believe anyone willing 2 adopt a homeless pet should have access to PETICARE -- a progam established nationwide thru the Federal Govt or State, if necessary. There w/have 2 b safeguards re a limit of adopting only 2 pets, etc., & offering help only w/their medical needs.

The time has come 4 us 2 step up & look out 4 the animals -- even the timing is not good obviously when there r those in our govt who r currently trying 2 eliminate SS & Medicare 4 HUMANS.

What do u guys think? I've never done this be4.

Concerned Animal Lover/Citizen
