To: President Donald Trump, The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, Governor Kate Brown, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Petition Against a New Firearms Ban
”The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”
-Samuel Adams
In an effort to keep our 2nd Amendment right intact and un-infringed upon, we the people sign this petition urging law makers to neither repeat any form of the ‘1994 Assault Weapons Ban,’ nor to sign into law any similar new legislation. There is very little meaningful evidence that the previous 10-year ban in the U.S. had any noticeable beneficial effects on society as a whole during and after its implementation. Most statistics show that an incredibly insignificant number of crimes are actually committed with so-called ‘assault weapons’ and that in almost every violent gun crime, fewer than 10 shots are ever fired regardless of magazine size. On the contrary, the evidence shows that the more lawful citizens are armed in a community, then the violent crimes trend downward.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
-Ben Franklin
We stand fast with our forefathers and urge you to uphold our Bill of Rights, as you have sworn to do so, and to not succumb to the swarms of fear and panic of those who would wish to chisel down our rights as a free people in return for a fleeting false sense of personal and social security. There are, however several more logical and reasonable ideas on the table; Improved and available background check systems, stronger penalties for ‘gun crimes’ and illegal possession, and mandatory reporting of lost or stolen firearms may all be effective courses to help limit the availability of firearms to violent criminals and dissuade future gun violence. However, banning any further specific types, features, magazines, or ammunitions for firearms to law abiding Americans imposes unjustly on the 2nd Amendment rights promised to all free peoples by the founders of this great nation and is therefore unconstitutional and cannot be tolerated.
”A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country.”
-James Madison
The proposed ban of ‘assault rifles,’ semi-automatics, and 10+ round magazines will only serve to limit the people’s capacity to defend our rights and safety in our local communities. Furthermore it will only serve to provide a higher level of firepower to the criminal community, as well as the local and federal governments, all while limiting the power of the individual citizen – this is unquestionably contrary to all that the founders of this great nation fought for, and provided guarantees against. Any further limitation of firearms to the lawful citizens of America directly upsets the balance that our nation’s architects indomitably granted us, as a free people, the right and obligation to uphold.
“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.”
-George Maurice Washington
-Samuel Adams
In an effort to keep our 2nd Amendment right intact and un-infringed upon, we the people sign this petition urging law makers to neither repeat any form of the ‘1994 Assault Weapons Ban,’ nor to sign into law any similar new legislation. There is very little meaningful evidence that the previous 10-year ban in the U.S. had any noticeable beneficial effects on society as a whole during and after its implementation. Most statistics show that an incredibly insignificant number of crimes are actually committed with so-called ‘assault weapons’ and that in almost every violent gun crime, fewer than 10 shots are ever fired regardless of magazine size. On the contrary, the evidence shows that the more lawful citizens are armed in a community, then the violent crimes trend downward.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
-Ben Franklin
We stand fast with our forefathers and urge you to uphold our Bill of Rights, as you have sworn to do so, and to not succumb to the swarms of fear and panic of those who would wish to chisel down our rights as a free people in return for a fleeting false sense of personal and social security. There are, however several more logical and reasonable ideas on the table; Improved and available background check systems, stronger penalties for ‘gun crimes’ and illegal possession, and mandatory reporting of lost or stolen firearms may all be effective courses to help limit the availability of firearms to violent criminals and dissuade future gun violence. However, banning any further specific types, features, magazines, or ammunitions for firearms to law abiding Americans imposes unjustly on the 2nd Amendment rights promised to all free peoples by the founders of this great nation and is therefore unconstitutional and cannot be tolerated.
”A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country.”
-James Madison
The proposed ban of ‘assault rifles,’ semi-automatics, and 10+ round magazines will only serve to limit the people’s capacity to defend our rights and safety in our local communities. Furthermore it will only serve to provide a higher level of firepower to the criminal community, as well as the local and federal governments, all while limiting the power of the individual citizen – this is unquestionably contrary to all that the founders of this great nation fought for, and provided guarantees against. Any further limitation of firearms to the lawful citizens of America directly upsets the balance that our nation’s architects indomitably granted us, as a free people, the right and obligation to uphold.
“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.”
-George Maurice Washington
Why is this important?
The proposed ban of ‘assault rifles,’ semi-automatics, and 10+ round magazines will only serve to limit the people’s capacity to defend our rights and safety in our local communities. Furthermore it will only serve to provide a higher level of firepower to the criminal community, as well as the local and federal governments, all while limiting the power of the individual citizen – this is unquestionably contrary to all that the founders of this great nation fought for, and provided guarantees against. Any further limitation of firearms to the lawful citizens of America directly upsets the balance that our nation’s architects indomitably granted us, as a free people, the right and obligation to uphold.