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To: School Board of Springfield Township, Superintendent Mary Jo Yannacone

Petition for a Safe-Usage Technology Policy in Springfield Township School District

Background Information: Currently, in the School District of Springfield Township, students are given far too much free time online, often at the objection of their parents. Middle school students are allowed to scroll YouTube at lunch, despite multiple medical warnings about the hazards of excessive scrolling time on developing brains. YouTube is open and available to students on the school district's network despite parent requests to turn it off. 

Petition Objectives: We, the undersigned, respectfully urge the Springfield Township School Board to:

  1. Develop and implement a Safe-Usage Technology Policy that includes restrictions on providing free time on the internet to children. 

  2. Establish clear protocols for monitoring and enforcing the policy to ensure compliance and accountability among students, teachers, and staff members.

  3. Provide adequate resources and support for the implementation of the policy, including training sessions for educators, indoor play bins for indoor recess purposes, parental involvement programs, and access to age-appropriate educational technology tools.

  4. Regularly review and update the policy in response to evolving technological trends and emerging challenges, ensuring its effectiveness in safeguarding the well-being and academic success of our students.

Conclusion: As stakeholders in the education system, we recognize the importance of integrating technology responsibly into the learning environment. By implementing a Safe-Usage Technology Policy, we can create a safer, more conducive educational experience for our students, empowering them to harness the benefits of technology while mitigating its potential harms.

We thank the Springfield Township School Board for their attention to this matter and look forward to their prompt action in addressing our concerns.


[Your Name] [Your Signature] [Your Contact Information]

[Additional Signatures]

Why is this important?

We, the concerned parents and community members of Springfield Township, hereby submit this petition urging the immediate implementation of a Safe-Usage Technology Policy within our school district.

In today's digital age, technology plays an integral role in education. However, its unfettered use poses significant risks to the well-being and academic performance of our students. The prevalence of smartphones, tablets, and computers has led to increased screen time, distractions, cyberbullying, and exposure to inappropriate content. Without proper guidelines and regulations, our students are vulnerable to the adverse effects of excessive technology use, including depression and anxiety.

Rationale for Safe-Usage Technology Policy:

  1. Promotion of Academic Focus: Excessive screen time can impair cognitive development and hinder academic performance. A well-structured policy will help students prioritize their academic responsibilities over digital distractions.

  2. Protection from Harmful Content: The internet contains a plethora of inappropriate and harmful content. A Safe-Usage Technology Policy will establish barriers to non-educational internet usage, while increasing filters and monitoring systems to shield students from accessing such content, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment.
  3. Protection of Brain Development: Research suggests that overexposure to screens affects memory, cognition, mood, and attention spans in all humans - even more so in developing brains. Ensuring that technology is used solely as an educational tool will mitigate mental and emotional harm caused on school grounds. 

  4. Prevention of Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying has become a prevalent issue among students, leading to severe emotional distress and academic disengagement. By outlining strict guidelines against cyberbullying and harassment, the policy will foster a culture of respect and empathy within the school community.

  5. Development of Responsible Digital Citizenship: Education is not just about imparting knowledge but also about shaping responsible citizens. A comprehensive technology policy will include provisions for digital literacy education, teaching students about online safety, etiquette, and the responsible use of technology. 




2024-06-09 00:27:05 -0400

10 signatures reached