To: Major news and media outlets, ie.. AP, NPR, FOX, etc.

Petition for Major Media Outlets to Report Global CO2 Levels

The most important information for societies and civilization to be aware of now, is the level of climate changing gases such as CO2 in the atmosphere. We hereby petition all news and media outlets, especially the Associated Press, NPR, Fox, PBS, and the major Global Networks, to report the Global CO2 level on a daily or weekly basis. This report should include variations and changes that occur over a daily, weekly, monthly, and / or, yearly basis.

Why is this important?

I would like to help start a petition campaign for AP News, NPR, FOX, and all major networks, to begin carrying the Global CO2 level on a daily or weekly basis. This report should include variations and changes that occur over a daily, weekly, monthly, and / or, yearly basis.
