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To: Dr. Susan A. Cole

Petition for more remote courses at MSU

We, the students of Montclair State University, petition the administration to offer more remote courses for the 2021-2022 academic year. We request that the remote classes be available for higher, as well as for lower division courses, to meet the needs of students in all grade-levels.

At present, the courses which will be available in the fall largely consist of in-person learning. This does not fairly accommodate all students, including commuters who make up 75% of the Montclair State population, students with disabilities who may face more challenges attending courses on campus and students who are not comfortable resuming live-instruction at Montclair State University due to COVID-19.

As we transition into the "new normal" and embark on a path of healing and recovery, we call on the administration to prioritize student welfare, safety and access to education, in light of the challenges imposed by COVID-19. We urge the administration to consider and fairly represent the entire student body of Montclair State University by providing an equal mix of online and in-person courses for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Why is this important?

I am a student at Montclair State University who believes that every student has a right to advocate for what they believe in. MSU students should have a say in the decisions that impact them.



2021-05-13 11:10:13 -0400

I submitted the petition to the president. This is the response I received (shortened version)

"While we understand that, after this unparalleled year of dealing with a global health crisis, some students would want to remain remote, Montclair was founded upon and continues to have a strong tradition of undergraduate, in-person teaching and learning. We believe this is the best and most effective way to provide students with the education and opportunities that Montclair has to offer.

Some universities provide opportunities for students to learn solely online. We respect those institutions and the students who chose them. However, that is not our core. Our core teaching and learning is based on an in-person model. And that is the model we will be returning to this fall."

2021-04-29 15:23:08 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2021-04-27 15:02:47 -0400

500 signatures reached

2021-04-27 11:55:09 -0400

Thanks to everyone who has signed and/or shared this petition. If anyone would like to be more active, please fill out the SGA contact form below (choose Reporting a concern for the subject line) or email msucommutes stating your concerns (particularly if you're a commuter). Remember to request that SGA TAKE ACTION and SPEAK on the behalf of the students.
P.S. if you've already commented beneath "reasons for signing" you can just transfer that post right to the SGA contact form.

2021-04-27 09:31:47 -0400

100 signatures reached

2021-04-27 00:44:08 -0400

50 signatures reached

2021-04-26 19:55:38 -0400

25 signatures reached

2021-04-26 15:28:42 -0400

10 signatures reached