To: IJLA Administration
Petition in support of IJLA faculty and staff...
To the administration of Instituto Justice Leadership Academy:
We, the faculty and staff of Instituto Justice Leadership Academy (IJLA), recognize that our school is facing an existential crisis. We are all committed to playing our role in seeing that this learning community, which we have all worked hard to build, will continue to not only survive but to thrive in the coming years.
However, we also believe that the recent announcement of the possibility of some short term cost cutting measures risks creating an atmosphere of disruption and chaos within our learning community that will not benefit our students or our future success as a school. In particular, we oppose the demotion of Damaris Allen to a part-time position.
It was decided last Fall that Damaris’ dismissal created serious scheduling problems and that the school could not offer the courses needed with only one full time science teacher. We believe this decision lacks structure and transparency on how and why Damaris was chosen to be moved to part-time status. We believe this move is unfair to Damaris, who, after already being laid off and rehired in the beginning of this school year, had committed to staying at IJLA for this year with the understanding she would have full time employment. We strongly encourage that Damaris maintain her full time status for the sake of the future of IJLA. If it becomes absolutely necessary to demote her to part-time, Damaris deserves the opportunity to negotiate the terms and conditions of her new status. As of January 27th, 2016, seven days before her full time employment expires, members of management have not met with Damaris to discuss details in this shift of employment status.
Faculty and Staff of Instituto Justice Leadership Academy
We, the faculty and staff of Instituto Justice Leadership Academy (IJLA), recognize that our school is facing an existential crisis. We are all committed to playing our role in seeing that this learning community, which we have all worked hard to build, will continue to not only survive but to thrive in the coming years.
However, we also believe that the recent announcement of the possibility of some short term cost cutting measures risks creating an atmosphere of disruption and chaos within our learning community that will not benefit our students or our future success as a school. In particular, we oppose the demotion of Damaris Allen to a part-time position.
It was decided last Fall that Damaris’ dismissal created serious scheduling problems and that the school could not offer the courses needed with only one full time science teacher. We believe this decision lacks structure and transparency on how and why Damaris was chosen to be moved to part-time status. We believe this move is unfair to Damaris, who, after already being laid off and rehired in the beginning of this school year, had committed to staying at IJLA for this year with the understanding she would have full time employment. We strongly encourage that Damaris maintain her full time status for the sake of the future of IJLA. If it becomes absolutely necessary to demote her to part-time, Damaris deserves the opportunity to negotiate the terms and conditions of her new status. As of January 27th, 2016, seven days before her full time employment expires, members of management have not met with Damaris to discuss details in this shift of employment status.
Faculty and Staff of Instituto Justice Leadership Academy
Why is this important?
To prevent staff cuts at IJLA.