To: Judy Zola, Administrative Assistant for Town of Jaffrey Select Board and Jon Frederick, Jaffrey Town Manager

Petition to ban the use of pesticides and fertilizers on taxpayer-owned property of Jaffrey, NH

The signatories below hereby submit this petition to ban chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and inorganic fertilizers from being sprayed, injected, or otherwise used to control pests and/ or plant growth on town-owned property in the Town of Jaffrey, NH. This petition specifically seeks to ban any and all forms of pesticides and the like that include but are not limited to: Glyphosate (IE Roundup), 2,4D, Dicamba, Prodiamine, Imidacloprid (the previous 4 well known to be harmful to people, pets, bees and/ or environmental chemicals are included, along with other known harmful chemicals that are applied 3-4 times a year via a town contracted chemical company, to the Jaffrey, NH town lawns), Chlorantraniliprole (IE, GrubEx), Dithiopyr, etc., Roundup, Rodeo, Dimension, Acclaim, etc.. This list of chemicals to be banned is not exhaustive and should be reviewed from time to time to include emerging products and studies coming to light confirming chemical concerns that respect the basic intent of this petition.

Why is this important?

To stop the use of toxic chemicals in the Town of Jaffrey, NH on town owned property where children and pets play, often right after pesticides are applied. Also to educate the public about the harmful side effects of such chemicals where as those side effects are either largely unknown or down played now and the warnings posted after application, though in line with current state regulations, are minimal and understated to effectively keep kids and pets off of treated lawns.