To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Petition to Decriminalize Maijuana

Legalize the use and possession of marijuana now. Stop spending my tax dollars on the ill conceived "War on Drugs."

Why is this important?

Since the mid-1930's possession or growth of marijuana has been a federal crime. It was born out of racism since, at the time, it's use was mainly among blacks.

Over the years, various methods have been used by the federal government to enforce this "crime." With the advent on the "War on Drugs," it has truly become a war. People including women and children are being murdered daily and dumped in the streets of the Mexican border towns.

Billions of taxpayer dollars have been used to enforce the drug wars with no tangible success.

And despite the fact that at least ten states have legalized marijuana for various uses, the federal government continues to prosecute those caught with even small amounts of the substance.This has made the U.S. the nation with the highest number of prisoners incarcerated of any country in the world for drug offences.
