To: Department of Consumer Affairs, California State Athletic Commission (“CSAC”)

Petition to Department Of Consumer Affairs, California State Athletic Commission, for re-sanction...

We the citizens of California, petition the Department of Consumer Affairs, California State Athletic Commission (“CSAC”), to re-sanction PRO-1 and AM-1 and approve the International Fight Showdown to promote and hold future sanctioned PRO-1 and AM-1 fights in California.

Why is this important?

PRO-1 is professional limited rules Mixed Martial Arts (“MMA”) bouts and AM-1 is amateur limited rules kickboxing bouts. Both PRO-1 and AM-1 utilize MMA and kickboxing rules already approved by CSAC. PRO-1 and AM-1 simply limit the types of offensive moves allowed by each fighter based on round. PRO-1’s limited MMA rules are: (1st Rd) Limited striking with fists; (2nd Rd) Open striking; and (3rd Rd) Unlimited MMA. AM-1’s limited kickboxing rules are: (1st Rd) Limited striking with fists; (2nd Rd) Limited striking with fists & kicks; and (3rd Rd) Full striking.

In November 2011, CSAC Executive Officer George Dodd approved PRO-1/AM-1. IFS held PRO-1 and AM-1 fights, all of which were sanctioned by CSAC over the course of four events from 3/4/12 through 2/10/13. Then, new CSAC executive officer Andy Foster suddenly informed IFS that CSAC would no longer sanction PRO-1 and AM-1 fights. IFS went before CSAC and presented information on why CSAC has the authority under Business and Professions code section 18640 to continue to sanction PRO-1/AM-1 fights promoted and held by IFS. To date, CSAC has still not given its approval to re-sanction PRO-1/AM-1 fights.

The events held by the IFS in 2012 and 2013 with PRO-1/AM-1 fights were successful, with large fan and fighter support and brought needed revenue to California and attention to the local Southern California fight world.

We hereby respectfully demand Department of Consumer Affairs, California State Athletic Commission, re-sanction PRO-1 and AM-1 and immediately approve the IFS to promote and hold future sanctioned PRO-1 and Am-1 fights in California